Raleigh Leads in the Temporary Job Market

CareerBuilder.com published an article on Monday that showed our great city as the overachieving big brother in the temporary job market, and it doesn’t look like we’ll be backing down anytime soon.

After the massive hit during the Great Recession, the national temporary employment market was the first to dust their shoulders off and get over it. According to CareerBuilder and EMSI (Economic Modeling Specialists International), temporary jobs not only made a comeback, but exceeded their pre-recession numbers. The future looks promising for the temporary job sector on a national level, but the City of Oaks is leading the way, especially in the medical and manufacturing industries. The analysis by CareerBuilder and EMSI project Raleigh’s temporary market to grow 43% by 2018. So pat yourself on the back, Raleigh. You’ve given us one more reason to love our city!


Read the full article here: http://thehiringsite.careerbuilder.com/2014/06/30/top-10-metros-projected-temporary-job-growth/



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